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10 Important Strategies For Teaching Math

Mrs. D
2 min readJan 8, 2021


1) Communicate what is being learned
Always display learning goals in the classroom.

2) Use the traffic light method to help students communicate their level of understanding
Provide each student with three color cards (red, yellow, green). Ask students to place a card representing their level of understanding on their desk. Students with a green card may be selected to elaborate on their understanding. This way the teacher can allocate their resources to help students. You can pair green and yellow students to work together.

3) Teach students how to be respectful towards one another
Spend explicit lessons teaching students how to listen to each other, collaborate, and provide constructive criticism.

4) Provide students with descriptive feedback and avoid using grades until the end of the unit
Research shows that providing students with grades does not help them to learn from their mistakes instead it makes them feel bad about their progress if they did not do well. Instead, provide detailed feedback about student work. Provide one positive comment for each constructive comment.

5) Incorporate math in other parts of the day for example with number talks

6) Use math journals to allow students to record their thinking and to show their understanding
Teachers can have a better understanding of student thought processes and
journals are an opportunity to continue to provide descriptive feedback.

7) Encourage students to ask questions
Make sure to create a welcoming and safe space where students can feel comfortable to ask questions.

8) Making mistakes is important
Remind students that the only way to really learn is to make mistakes.

9) Solve problems in a variety of ways using many different methods
Ask students to represent their answers in different ways.

10) Use mathematical puzzles to inspire curiosity and excitement about math
Provide students with math puzzles or games to inspire problem-solving. Allow for students to express their creativity in math.

Boaler, J. (2016). Mathematical mindsets: Unleashing students potential through creative math, inspiring messages, and innovative teaching. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass & Pfeiffer Imprints.



Mrs. D

I’m a Canadian elementary/middle school teacher and technology nerd looking for ways to enhance my students’ learning using new tech gear.